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Character Animation
RMBF: 'A Helping Hand'
Animated Advertisement
Jack and Django Episode 1
Peperami - Animal keepy ups
Peperami - Packshot abduction
Peperami - World Animal Day
Jack Links - Batman Packshot
Jack and Django Launch Animation
Jack and Django Episode 2
Peperami - Animal Base Jumping
Peperami - Vespa fueling gone wrong
Jack Links - Fortnite Packshot 
Jack Links - May the 4th post
Motion Graphics
Jack Links - Smash your Limits
Schulstad - Coffee stat graphic
Rustlers - Meatball announcement
Byron Burgers - Pickle Beer Reveal
Peperami - Duncan Disorderly
British Apples & Pears- Apple graphic
Brian Cox Live 2017
Motion Graphics Slides
Sarah Millican 'Control Enthusiast'
Webpage advertisement
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